Thursday, June 17, 2010

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Recently ive seen a trend of dog owners and vets, pressuring people to take their dog to the vet for everything, from a broken nail to one grey hair. Some how they talk you into ripping organs out of your dog and pumping them full of vaccines.

yet some science studies have shown that vaccines, neutering and even chip implants, can lead to serious side-affects. death, tumors and cancer.

does anyone think all the Vet visits, vaccines and pressure, is too much, unnatural, and people are overreacting? even that it may be unhealthy for your dog? Anyone find the peer pressure a turn off?

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

The risk of the vaccines pales in comparison to the effects of the disease. Though I do understand your take on this. Better safe than sorry I guess is my stand

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

My dogs go the vet once a year and get a check up and their teeth cleaned. There are no vaccines and there is no running to the vet when a toenail breaks. My dogs are healthier and work longer because of what I have found works for me as opposed to what the latest fad is.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

if there is a severe problem with my dog that i can't fix, i'm taking him to the vet. whether or not i like it is irrelevant.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I totally agree with you, I grew up on a farm and we never took our dogs to the vet and they were just fine. I think it is this yuppie world we live in. It seems like society is telling us that we are bad owners if we dont take our pets in for every little thing. We are a nation of hypochondriacs with ourselves, our kids and our pets.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Have you ever seen a puppy with distemper?

Or Parvo?

I've never had any problems with any vaccine - I would rather vaccinate than not. Experience with dogs helps but if you don't know what an emergency is vs something that is minor and will be fine then I guess most people caution on the safe side and go to the vet.

My dogs are around other dogs...all the time. Very active - I vaccinate and microchip.

I'm not sure what the peer pressure you are talking about. Do you take a flu shot each year? Is this over reacting?

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I think vaccines are overdone. I have seen people posting on here that they get vaccine rounds of 5 injections or more at two weeks apart. That is not good for the dog (vaccinosis), and it isn't necessary. If vaccines are given correctly in puppyhood, there is very little risk of illness in the lifespan of the dog. Titres are high for 10+yrs. A booster at 1yr would be sufficient.

I have seen people posting about medical care that is just outrageous and not needed. The truth is, dogs live less than 20yrs, and usually less than 15. You can't change that with any amount of chemo, testing, surgeries....... And why add discomfort to a dog just for the sake of discomfort when the outcome will be the same.

Another thing I see is the "save the tooth" thing. It's in the best interest of the dog to remove a rotten tooth. But some vets do antibiotic implants along with scaling repeatedly before they will remove it. Why not just pull it? Save the dog's organs rather than worrying about a tooth. (rotten teeth cause organ damage). I have to wonder if it is a financial incentive.

I really have to wonder if some vets push things in the best interest of their own pockets rather than in the best interest of the dog.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Some of this stuff is just common sense, pets like people need shots and regular check ups, and obviously if your dog is acting unusual and you are worried you should take it to the vet (unlike humans they can't say, "daddy, I really don't feel well"). However, Vets don't try to talk you into things you don't need to do as it may stress the dog out for no reason. They will definitely tell you that spay/neuter is necessary (unless you are breeding). A Vet will make money either way but their goal is to keep your dog healthy.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

My Dog has been to the vet about 8 times. She is six years old, and goes yearly for her vaccinations/checkup. The other two times were for her spaying, and another for a broken toe. We took her for the broken toe because she was screaming in pain. Vets are good, but you dont want to spoil and primp your dog all up with medicine. Dogs normally heal themselves, and normally it is just a matter of keeping the cut/cold etc under control. Basically,i follow the philosphy that if i had had the same thing as the dog, would i go to the vet?

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I do. It's also not only unnatural for our pets, but also for humans as well.

My dogs are vaccinated for one reason only: we travelled last year across an international border, and they had to be vaccinated for that. We also lived in a farming town, and I wanted to be sure they were protected against parvo.

Prior to this, my dogs were never vaccinated, and they've never been sick. People have a tendency towards trying to control everything, including the things that our bodies have been designed to do naturally. There are many studies that show vaccinations are unsafe (many of them contain mercury), and there are lawsuits going on right now because of the development of autism in young children who were vaccinated as infants.

Our bodies were designed to fight infections naturally. The reason they no longer do that is because our entire food supply, from dairy to meat to produce, has been 'enhanced' by drugs, chemicals, genetic manipulation, and more recently, cloning. When will we learn to stop messing with nature? When will it stop? We are being pumped full of chemicals which have a terrible effect on the body by destroying our natural way of fighting off infection. We may live longer nowadays, but it's not because we're healthier: it's because we have the medical technology to keep us alive, even through serious illnesses.

I remember hearing stories of way back when, in the days when people butchered their own meats, and made their own butters and cheeses, and drank milk straight from their cows. They never got sick. Why?! Not because there wasn't any germs back then, but because people were tolerant of them! Even some public health members talk about how 'weak' we've become because we use antibacterial soap, antibacterial cleaning supplies, antibacterial this and that, and it's killing ALL the germs, including the good ones! It needs to stop. Today, it is illegal to sell raw milk because it might contain harmful bacteria. Bah! Give me a break. Only pasteurized milk contains pus because the poor cows in commercial dairy farms are pumped full of growth hormones, making them produce milk far longer than nature originally intended. Doing that to a cow causes mastitis (an infection in the udder) which is what causes the pus in the first place. So of course the milk then needs to be pasteurized, which destroys most of the natural nutrition found in milk to begin with, which are then added back (in an unnatural form). But it's not the same!

How the heck did I get started on all of this? Oh yes. . .your original question and then my tendency to ramble. . .my apologies.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Well, if most of the people ACTUALLY felt that way, that would be one have real convictions about it. But most are avoiding the vet becasue they are CHEAP and do not want to pay for it.

The MAJORITY (that means not all people) are too irresponsible to own an intact pet. So, they should spay and neuter.

A SIMPLE vaccine plan that covers the dangerous diseases and then uses titers to determine when more vaccines are need, is the way to go. Yet, too many people are too cheap to get titers.

Microchips are optional. There is no one saying you have to do it, and tattoos remain a good option.

Stlll, a yearly visit to have the pets checked out has no side effects. The only reason to avoid that is $$$$$$. I am sick of hearing about the vets "making" tham get things they do not want. You can say NO. You just have to have the backbone to do it.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Ever have a dog die from Distemper? I have and it is not pretty. I was a very small child and my parents didn't believe in vets and vaccines either. Well the adorable German Shepard puppy we had got sick and died. That was over 40 years ago but I still remember like it was last week. All my dogs get their vaccines every year but only go the vet when they are really sick. I worm them myself when they have worms and bathe and clip them myself.

Unwanted puppies are no fun either. I had a female dog that wasn't fixed but we had a fenced in yard so I didn't worry too much about it. I kept her in a chain link kennel at nights but let her run in the yard during the day while she was in heat. I felt that I was acting responsibly. Well Mr. Un-neutered neighbors dog came visiting an dug a hold UNDER my fence and bred my dog. We had 5 little mongrel puppies to find homes for a few months later. Even though I did not allow MY dog to roam free the neighbors were not nearly as responsible. My dog was spayed as soon as I could arrange it.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I agree with you. My dogs were vaccinated by their breeder before they came to me, however I never have them vaccinated after this. I use homoeopathic nozodes. I make my own mixture to prevent fleas using essential oils. Of late I have also stopped using worming tables, I am in the UK however the Americans say "if its not broke don't fix it" and they don't worm their dogs unless their dogs actually have worms,

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Lately I've been shocked with the number of vet reminders I've gotten in my mailbox for different things, such as shots, semi-annual checkups, stool sample checkups and so on. I make sure my dogs are vaccinated and on heartworm and flea/tick meds, but I think getting checkups twice a year and stool sample checkups inbetween that is a little much. I don't even get checkups that often. I just decide what I think is truly important and ignore the other stuff.

I think vet prices are extremely high too, and that's a real issue for me. My dog got an injury and the vet basically said if my dog didn't get the surgery to fix the injury that she'd lose all function in her leg and be in pain for the rest of her life. This surgery cost me $3,000 and what was even more shocking was that my vet said this is a common injury (sees at least 2 cases of it a week). Why be so expensive if it's so common?

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

at the cost of vet visits I try to limit them, if I can't deal with the situation then sure, off we go, but with multiple dogs I have learned alot and can deal with more than I expect my puppy buyers too, but that said, I have advised all of them to contact me first regarding health issues unless it is an emergency- and even my buyer who is a vet do.

many people consider their pets like their children, the heart is involved and we want the best for them.

as for vaccinating, I don't like to do them every 12 months, stretch it out a bit. I think dogs are over vaccinated, and they are the bread and butter for vets. I think you need to know the problems in your area, the laws (we have to keep rabies current), educate yourself, and make the decisions. I have a house cat, I rarely vaccinate her, she doesn't go outside, isolates herself from the dogs, so what does she really need?

you said about research showing that vaccines, neutering and micorchips are associated with tumours, careful on that one the research is very limited and the controls aren't there , more research is needed to draw any real conclusions.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I wouldn't say that ALL vet visits are unnecessary. Sometimes there are health problems or injuries that a person just can't handle on their own. If only people had enough common sense to know when they can handle things themselves, there wouldn't be such a craze to go to the vet for everything.

However, I do think that a vast majority of pets are over-vaccinated. If you visit the American Animal Hospistal Association's website, you can find a list of recommended vaccines. You'll find that most vets recommend yearly vaccines....while the AAHA recommends 3-year vaccines for many of the same ones.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I think there is a healthy middle road in vaccines, they should not be given a lot at once or close together and later can use titer to determine if you want another. And I entirely agree about the overuse of antibiotics in all species including ours.

My experience has taught me that rather than just blindly following a vet's advice, we also need to make an effort to educate OURSELVES. There's simply no way ANY vet could keep up with all the research in all all organ systems, all diseases, etc. AND for several very different species. Don't be afraid to talk to your vet. If you diagree, and have sound research that backs up your opinion, a good vet will be willing to discuss and consider it-- and may even end up agreeing with you!

If you mean the peer pressure on YA, I see what you mean but I also see how it happens. After all, what you have is people asking for veterinary advice from a bunch of strangers on the Internet who have never seen the dog, the vast majority of whom who have no veterinary experience and their own experience and knowledge varies greatly. People don't know how serious it might be, so they err on the side of caution. And who can really blame? They don't want to say, "oh that's no big deal" and then the person's dog dies.

It's difficult to assess long distance from a sentence or paragraph how serious the situation is. Sometimes people may go overboard with peer pressure, but sometimes the cascade of excited, pressuring responses is triggered by the initial post itself, when the question is a combination of panic, very incomplete description of symptoms or injuries--some of which sound potentially serious--often followed by a statement that they cannot go to the vet --with the usual reason being cost and nothing to do with carefully considered opinions on canine health.

(and I do have sympathy for people having financial problems. I have been there myself, and I know that sometimes situations change from when you got the pet. But I also know I would --and have-- done whatever it takes to get my pet emergency care if needed. So I just try to give people suggestions based on my experiences, and hope they will take them.)

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

No I dont vaccinate. My pup had an allergic reaction to the vaccine the breeder had done at 7 weeks before I got him therefore I dont vaccinate. I feed a complete raw diet, use homeopathics and natural supplements. I did my research and now I support it totally. Some people answered here if you knew what It was like to have a dog get parvo/distemper. But really do you know what its like to have a 7 week old pup have an allergic reaction to a vaccine? It was horrible. I now worm with herbs and treat my dog holistically for EVERYTHING. my dog is now 20 months old and the only time Ive ever taken him to a conventional vet was when he was attacked by another dog and severly ruptured his tendon. The vet told me it would take months to heal if it was to heal the tear was so bad. I was to take him back every week for 10 weeks to have him recast and he was to stay off it. They gave him prescription anti immflammatorys also. I threw them out. Put him on Boswelia complex, increased his fish oils, cod liver oil, vitamin c and e to increase healing rate, rhus tox 30c and Arnica 30c, and all raw healthy food. He was running again on it in 8 days. I took him back to the vet and they were amazed. No sign of any damage. They said"what did you do?" The body has an amazing ability to heal itself when correctly treated.

Whenever anything is going around here my dog is always the one that is safe. I had dogs staying here and got kennel cough and my dog was the only one that didnt get.

I tried to answer someones question once about Parvo, by treating it with natural remedies and got so many thumbs down. But hey its working for me!!

I would never reccommend to anyone not to vaccinate. I did my research and had the help of an wholistic vet, I also work in a health shop and have access to top quality natural supplements. However if you want alternatives there are some available and yes it does lead to fewer vet visits in the future. I go to my conventional vet for diagnosis or emergencies only now and nothing more.

I take my dog to an holistic vet, who is a conventional vet but prefers to practice holistically. Shes amazing and completely supports my approach. She also specialises in nutrition, something her 5 years at vet school did not teach her. And she's hugely popular. She believes it all starts with correct nutrition and I agree!

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I think vaccines are imperative. I live in the southern US (Texas) and here they estimate that an vaccinated, untreated outdoor dog has a 60% chance of getting parvo, 75% chance of getting distempter, and as high as a 90% chance of heartworms. Basically, they dont stand a chance at a long life. I take vaccines and flea, tick and heartworm prevention VERY seriously with my dogs.

I also do take my dogs in for things like ear infections (I have a schnauzer and a cocker, and I had shih tzus before. I am very used to allergies and ear infections, lol) It may seem like a minor thing to some people, but it can be very serious, and anyone thats had an ear infection knows its very painful. Ive known people that have tried home remedies on their dog's ears and the infection ends up worse. Besides, if your ear hurt so bad you cried, youd go to a doc, right?

Thats actually kind of my reasoning behind taking my dog to a vet. If it seems like something Id go to the doctor for, I take them. My inlaws have two older labs with (seems to me) severe arthritis, and they refuse to take them to the vet. It makes me sad.

I do think some people rush their dog to the vet for every little hiccup (I admit that I call the vet everytime Chelsea eats something she's not supposed to just to be sure), but its their money. And Im sure they'd rather be safe than sorry.

Plus I really think that if you have a good and honest very, they wont run tests just for the sake of running tests. They do whats best for the animal and owner. And I dont find it unnatural that people get so many treatment for their dogs. People are living longer, its only understandable that we should take the same technology that is helping us live longer and healthier and apply it to our beloved pets to help them have longer, healthier lives.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

I think it閳ユ獨 a combination of things that drive people to the vets office. You listed them all, or most; peer pressure, mass hysteria, vets, big companies, and almost everyone else you bump into is a firm believer in doing everything the vet tells you.

This has only been reinforced again by everything else on the list. Creating a even stronger sense to take your pet to the vet. Most people are not knowledgeable (their fault or not) about all the pros and cons and things they should consider. They assume because they are a doctor, have gone to school, are educated, and appear to be running a good business, they must be doing right!!! For some vets, this is true, they do their best to keep you informed and do a good job. Others, I believe, take advantage of their position and even turn a blind eye to what they know can cause damage. Its all about the business, which puts out pets at risk.

This is not to say I don't believe in going to a vet for their opinion. But as other said, you can still say NO.

What it comes down to is people need to learn how to think for themselves again, rather then take the lazy route of doing what you are told to do, or what someone else thinks is right. They need to sit down, research what they are doing, and really think about it... is this the right, or best thing to do?

In today閳ユ獨 society, it is so fast pace. People want a quick fix, want it now, and don't want others to think bad of them. So they do it to be "safe", and never think about the long term effects of their actions. More people need to think. Myself, I am trying to get myself out of this drone mind state and really do my research before doing anything. And in the process, try to help others.

I hope I am helping now!! Btw, thanks for the great question/topic! :)

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

.Yes i think it's become a trend, and as far as peer pressure,look at some of my replies. You should have the common scenes/ knowledge to know when you need a vet

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Does'nt bother me.

My dogs go to the vet and get what they need when they need it and luckily for me my vet also believes that alot of the vaccines are not necessary and she's referred me to other vets to do exploratory surgeries with a scope rather than cut the dogs open.She also believes in holistic medicine rather than harsh drugs whenever it will help.Cheaper for me and better for the dogs.

Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Absolutely, I have recently switched my two dogs to a Holistic vet. After my golden retriever was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in October and my longtime conventional vet gave me the choice of either amputation of the leg, chemo or radiation, which I chose to do none of the three she gave me pain med and told me call back when you need more! Talk about feeling betrayed. I found the most awesome holistic/alternative vet. I know after reading all the information that I have since my dog was diagnosed with cancer that any future dogs will not be vaccinated in the same manner as in the past. They will absolutely not be given the flea/tick treatment that I used to give them. One article I read said it was the comparison of pouring gasoline on a fire. So from this day forward they will get a natural treatment to ward off fleas and ticks. My dogs are both on a better diet and have no grains or additives in their food. A great statement was made that a vet knows "a little about a lot of different things"

So in a nutshell, yes I totally agree with you and I absolutely

have begun making the necessary changes to make sure

I am not harming my dogs any further with all this conventional


Are Dog owners going crazy with Vets and Vaccinations?

Quite frankly I don't care about vet or peer pressure, I raw feed my dogs and follow a minimal vaccination protocol. If I were guided by some of the YA answer and seemingly endless reminder notices for boosters for my 2 dogs from my ex vet I might be persuaded to go back to commercial dog food and every shot the vet's offering. But, I'm not and as I said don't care, I have a vet who supports my position, even encourages it, and that's where I'm at. As for the vet trips, I know without being told on YA if my dog is ill/injured and act accordingly.

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