Sunday, June 20, 2010

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

1. all trolleys to have horns fitted so you can beep people out of the way.

2. Anyone with grey hair is to be banned as they are old dithering idiots

3. No talking or dithering is allowed, including mobile phone usage

4. All push chairs, motability scooters and such things are BANNED

5.At the check out you cannot stand within 2 feet of the person in front especially when you are paying thus avoiding the situation where people are looking your shoulder as you use your pin number.

Dithering people and people with push chairs etc, shall have a special day or special hours they can use the supermarket.

I feel this will improve everyones lives and make the world a less stressful place.

Any other suggestions for improving supermarkets will be gratefully received.

Thank you for all your answers :)

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

6) People who pick up fruit and veg, sniff it then put it back should be executed on the spot

7) Security guards who look at perfectly innocent people with menacing suspicion should be kicked in the goolies

8) Mothers who are ostentatiously trying to make shopping a fun experience for their brats ("Ooooooh, look, Jemima. Carrots. How yummy. Shall we get some for Daddy?") should be treated with the contempt they deserve

9) Sad men in toupees should be banned from leering suggestively at women just because they happen to have a bangers and mash meal for one in their basket. Being single doesn't mean all standards have evaporated

10) Male shop assistants under 20 who blush when putting through a box of tampax should be winked at in a highly inappropriate manner. Cos it's funny

Thank you so much for your question :-)

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

yes i agree

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

You missed out one. Ban men. So impatient.

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?


Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

They should make the aisles wider and ban bald people too! Otherwise I agree.

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

have all checkouts manned at all times with people who actually know what they're doing

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

Is 'dithering' your new word?

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

I don't agree with #2. Dithering idiots come in all hair colors. I also don't agree with #4...instead, I propose a rule that bans these people if and when they sit in the middle of the aisle blocking everyone else and glaring at you with a "I'm on this special thing, I can block anyone I want" look on their face.

I try and go grocery shopping at the weirdest hours possible because I get so upset with all the slooow moving, intent-to-block-anyone-that-crosses-thei... crowds there. I don't ever go to Wal-Mart for the same reason.

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

You forgot to ban those men who stand behind their wives, while the missus does all the shopping and therefore get in everyone elses way.

And those cocky people who go to the basket till with the basket looking like its about to burst! Or even with two baskets.

Oh, and irritating people who use about 3 plastic bags for a bar of chocolate, think about recycling, people!

Ooooh also! Ban those groups of people who insist on talking in the most inconvient place ever, blocking aisles etc.

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

sounds canny good to me. hell yes, and short people who cannot reach the top shelf as well lol

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

No i think you are ignorant,,,,,,,

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

if you were to also ban walking sticks, unattractive people and scutters from your supermarket, i will be your life long customer. mr sainsbury?

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

Well Crispy,

Think on this, God willing, one day you will be older with white hair. You may also be unfortuante enough to be wheelchair bound.

I also assume that your mother used to take you shopping in a pram or buggy and that you may be doing the same yourself one day.

Perhaps you should print and save your question until that time, read it again and then decide whether your 5 point plan is a good idea.

Like everything nowadays people must have patience. the younger person for the older person (they will be in that situation one day), the older person for the younger because they also say and do things that frustrate the older person.

It was the same when I was younger, I used to get frustrated with senior citizens but thank goodness I was blessed with that very important thing, PATIENCE.

Now as an older person, sometimes I feel frustrated with some younger people.

When you look at it the young person can take an age to get their credit card or money out of their purse/wallet, they can stand in the isle blocking others from getting past and they can and do the same things that an older person does. There is very little difference between us.

One thing you did not mention in your plan is:

Those working in supermarkets (and anywhere) should be friendly, respectful and helpful to their customers. They should also be prepared to offer their customers a smile.

The same applies to the customers.

Having worked in the retail trade I know that a smile and a kind word not only goes a long way, it made me feel better in myself too.


Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

Judging by you photo perhaps we should ban beached whales as well. I have grey hair I and do not dither. Your comments are extremely offencive. Perhaps when you grow you can visit this site again! Oh and if really want to know who holds you up at the check out its women. They never have the means to pay to to hand. And you will be old one day if you get that far.

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

Yes you should be King

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

I think your an a@@!!!! Why should you be the only one to enjoy the shopping experience? people have problems and they deserve to be out in the world too. How about we set aside certain days and hours that your fat a@@ can shop would that make you feel better!!!????

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

All of your points are valid, however I think perhaps it's poor people that are the problem taking too long to decide which best offer to take home with them.

Perhaps Wednesdays between 2 and 3 should be set aside for those less fortunate?

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

I would like to see screaming children banned, also brats that run around racing and chasing. A supermarket is a supermarket, not a children's playground.

Do what I (a grey-haired dithering idiot ) do, Crispy. I go to a 24 hour supermarket at night. It is so peaceful.

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

i agree with that bird earlier who said ban men, then i don't have to get dragged around tesco's by the missus on a saturday afternoon cutting into my valuable football time. thanks baby!!!

Do you agree with me that my 5 point plan will improve supermarket shopping immensely?

Yes!! I would vote for you.

What is it with people who just suddenly stop in the aisles without warning. Are they mad?

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