Sunday, June 20, 2010

What would you do if...?

What would you do it:

There was no undies for you to wear?

Someone pearced your ears while you were sleeping?

Someone tied your hair in to a lot of little knots?

Dyed your hair grey?

Poked you in your eye?

Yelled "Shinlshoogan" In your ear?

Graped your ancle from under a tabnle in a house that was abandoned?

WHat would happen if you actualy answers all ot my questions?

I am survaying people and what they would to. Thanks! PLease help, Its for a World Life Project...

What would you do if...?

Hmmm... murder. How many years would they give me for murder??

What would you do if...?

go nuts

i would scream, cause it hurt

i would be crying while trying to brush it out.

i would regret it

i would go to the bathroom and get cold water.

yell at them to stop,

scream in shock and be afraid

i dont know, what would happen?

well, go luck with your project.

What would you do if...?

-I wouldn't wear any

-I would wake up and ask them what the heck they thought they were doing

-I would untie knots are pretty easy to get out

-I'd go with it for a few days then dye it back

-I would poke them back

-If I was my right ear, I wouldn't care because I'm deaf in that one...if the left, I would probably yell back at them

-...I don't know what "graped" is

-You'll give me best answer!

What would you do if...?

who cares ii i hardly wear any

pearce there nut sack the next night

cut off all there hair the following night

rock the hell out of that grey hair

stab them in the eye

spit in there face

punch them in the gut

get 10 fabulous point from you !!!!=]

What would you do if...?

-I would buy some undies.

-I would scream because it hurt.

-I would get it cut. Or just get it fixed by a hair dresser.

-I would dye it back.

-I would scream.

-Shinlshoogan??? What does that mean? Well that would hurt my ears.

-I would be confused.

-I would be happy.

Ok you're welcome.

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