Sunday, June 20, 2010

With most people agreeing that this has been a lame duck administration........?

what will Bush do to save his legacy? Even FOX News says most of his policies has failed. Social security, medicare, education, Iraq, and countless others have indeed failed. Stack him up against Bill Clinton, and there is no contest. Karl Rove sees what is happening and has ran for the hills. Powell left early in the mess. He was actually the one that said we shouldn't go. He was a military man, and yet Bush listened to Cheney? What a joke. Bush has more grey hair from his failures than a nursing home. Now, his so called "war czar" says we need a draft to help fight in Iraq. What a great idea! Let's all fight George's war that we shouldn't have ever been in the first place. But wait, Hillary and her band of brothers have as much to blame. They gave Bush a blank check. He will probably go down as the worst president ever. He didn't have a winning strategy, no exit strategy, went in undermanned, not enough equipment, real smart.

With most people agreeing that this has been a lame duck administration........?

Time will tell. Hindsight usually makes retroactive experts out of people.

Regardless, you might want to use a different term other than 'lame duck' to describe a politician's record.

In politics, 'Lame duck' mostly refers to a candidate who has lost an election and is finishing his or her term in office, and sometimes (but more rarely) refers to one who is not eligible for reelection.

Bush is already the latter and will also be the former after the general election.

Not the sort of thing people would agree or disagree with. It is just a state of political being, not a measure of performance.

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