....Last night I had a dream...I was in a room with some people .... and then there was a empty chair...but I felt that was sitting there my uncle ( he passed away two years ago) ...and then I said " I know you are here...I can feel that you are here my precious uncle...and then he appeared ...and smiled sad yes I'm here...he had a blue jumper...and grey hair...he was like I remember fresh...and it is interesting cos every time I have troubles in my real life my uncle appears....
Rgiht now I'm having some relationship issues...does this dream means something....that he is trying to help...or maybe it is just my imagination....
thank you in advance....
Question about a dream....can you interpret this...?
Maybe this was more of a vision than a dream Aqua. Also maybe your uncle was saying he is with you during this time of sadness, as the colour Blue means Sadness. I think he is saying he's here with you and comforting you, you know...Usally though when you get these dreams if they make you feel good this can only be a positive thing..:)
Question about a dream....can you interpret this...?
I recently had problems in my life and I dreamed of a dear friend that passed away a few years ago...I needed him desperately at that time as he had experienced a similar situation and I knew he'd advise me wisely...
Anyway, I think it doesn't mean anything, just that you'd need his advice...
Question about a dream....can you interpret this...?
I think it means you are a little frightened and uncertain about what's happening in your relationship. You maybe feel a little down. I'm guessing you were close to your uncle and you went to him for advice or he gave you good advice. You trusted his judgement.
You wish he was here now to tell you what he thinks about your current situation. You feel he would tell you if you've done the right thing (or are doing the right thing).
The blue jumper and your uncle's smile (maybe means he used to wear a blue jumper) or it maybe a sign that his presence in your dream was bright - perhaps a little unrealistic. In real life your uncle can't advise you anymore.
But I think you've made your own decision and you are fairly sure it's the right one, perhaps it's been a painful decision to make - you would like to have your uncle's reassurance.
I hope this helps,
Good luck and all the best,
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