Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why do we even bother with life?

Here I am,

16 years old,

killing myself to get good grades in school.

I'm under immense stress all the time,

and have at least 3 hours of homework,

and still do horribly.

But, we, as mankind waste so much time.

We kill ourselves for 14 years in school, to get a high school diploma, to apply to a school, where we will kill ourselves to get a simple piece of paper that says, "So and so went here for an education."


Now, the lucky ones, get their dream job! They manage to bring home the bacon, and maybe even get married!

A few years down the road, we have grey hair now, our marriage has went from love, to companionship about children, and 50 percent of us are on our way to divorce court.

Oh, and let's not forget our dream job, which we now hate, and has turned our passion in life to crap in our hands.

Then, our death creeps up on us, taking everything we worked hard for, and make it nonsense.


Life is a moment of happy here and there. Why care?

Why do we even bother with life?

life sucks sometimes.

but if you pay attention in school, stay away from drugs and actually try then it all is worth it in the end.

Why do we even bother with life?

Life is all there is. No matter where you are in life you make the most of the here and now. Kick off the shoes and dance.

Why do we even bother with life?

Because this life is all we have.

I do agree with you that humans waste way too much of their time on things that ultimately do not matter. There really is no point to life, you have to create your own purpose and meaning. You do not have to do what everyone else does. Just because its expected to go and do all the things you mentioned doesn't mean you have to.

Why do we even bother with life?

I'm 30. My mother wanted to die since at least I was five years old, and told me so.

But you know what? So what?

Our bodies are going to keep on keepin' on.

If we were out in the street, we'd be fighting to find a place to sleep and some nice old person to give us some change for food.

So, we try to avoid that.

It's that simple.

We bother because even if our minds totally give up, our bodies won't let us.

Been there, tried that.

Don't work out so well.

So keep up all of your hard work, because it's better than being depressed, poor, and having your own child nearly hate you for not bothering enough to make ends meet. (never were homeless, thank god.)

Why do we even bother with life?

can i just say you are american arent you? move to australia, we have a much more relaxed outlook on life and everything that comes with it. seriously completing high school here is a breeze. and then we go to university (you call it college i think, i duno?!) and you just have to get 50% or over to pass. its so easy to get into your dream field here in australia, there are so many backdoors.

Why do we even bother with life?

omg you see it the same as me its uncanny the similarities. i wanna see what other people around the world look like that share our opinion, personally im a happy go lucky guy but see everyhting similarly to you., the only thing that keeps me going is the idea of heaven. i heard if you believe enough it becomes real.

Why do we even bother with life?

I can't imagine you're doing that badly in school with that expotentially imaginative thought process going on - you're really a smart kid. Listen up - you cannot justify not wanting to use the time or energy by rationalizing to the rest of the world we're all wrong about school. If you put the energy you put into being contrary INTO achieving, you could reach a job that will matter %26amp; make a difference on Earth - to people, children, the environment, something important. If you don't like it - do something about it to change it, and to do that you'll need credentials %26amp; success. My feelings are - you could change the world with the right direction %26amp; purpose in life. I truly hope you find it.

Why do we even bother with life?

you sound rather hopeless and pessimistic. life does feel this way A LOT, but this is not all there is to life. I am in 3 honors classes at high school, freshman year, and i do get stressed. All you have to do is find a passion that you KNOW that you will love your whole life, and to be patient that true love will come. There are so many simple joys of life; hanging out with friends and family, loving your passion, caring for others, all are joys.

People do waste a lot of time with education, I really do agreee with you on this, but work is not all there is to life.

Live life to the fullest, and appreciate the true joy there is to life. Remember to have faith and believe in hope. Remember, you only have one chance at life, and we should take on our lives by doing what we truly love.

Why do we even bother with life?

It all depends on your perspective. If you look at life as if its s*** then it will be and if you try to make the best of it then you'll get more good times. Yes you do have to work but its all what you make of it. You've heard it before, I'm 24 and its true. If the dream job turns to hell then find something else you like. You don't have to stay in bad situations.

One last piece of advice. Enjoy where you are on the way to where you're going.

Why do we even bother with life?

ok. im 15. i asked the exact same questin like last week.but i guess we just have to enjoy every moment of it. just have a positive attitude about everything. you are soo lucky to be you, you have clothes, food, money, water, eveything you need. i think the purpose of life is to just enjoy. be happy. i know its hard sometimes, but the stuff you get stressed over, if you look at the big picture, they're really nothing. its tough for me too, but i think theres no point of being stressed. i dunno. have faith in yourself, have confidence, be abundant, lol i don't even know what im saying but ya.... hope this helps = )

Why do we even bother with life?

You life has only just begun. Give it a chance. You have pressures now....that's for sure, but what you think you see in the all wrong. There will be rough times, there's no doubt about it, but what you visualize now as future failures, and simple wasting of time, is way off. Eventually if your lucky, you will grow out of the me me what's in it for me mind set. You will find somebody to love and share life with, and you will find a suitable job (maybe not your dream job) to pay the bills and support your family. There is no set standard for success or failure other than that which you impose on yourself. Some people can never be satisfied, while others need only the basics to be happy. In the end you will find the world was not out to get were out to get yourself all along.

Why do we even bother with life?

Wow. You have no idea that this time in your life is the best time of your life. You push through school so if you do end up in a job that eventually you hate you can move to another job. Those who are stuck in those dead end jobs are the ones that didn't push hard enough through school. About getting married. You have plenty of time for that so don't worry about it. I'm 28, married with 3 children and barely going back to college. You can't imagine the stress I'm under to get the best grades to finish quickly so my husband can go back to school. Finish school first, and that means college. I know so many people who said I don't want to go to college, it's not for me, and they wasted their time and now their going back to college because they now know that there's opportunities only for those who have an education. Remember the ones that get paid more are the ones who use their heads not the ones that break their backs.

You're right. Life is just a moment in time and that is why you can't waste you're time. Use it wisely and be grateful that you have the opportunity to go to school. There are so many societies that children who go to school are the lucky ones. Don't take it for granted. You are being given a chance to choose your life.

Why do we even bother with life?

i used to kill myself in school (all honors and AP courses), then i realized one day that 95% of what i learn is not important to me or my life, so i relaxed. i learned that even doing bad at some things is ok as long as you can get by. So, i did enough to get by with a pretty decent score, i studied and learned about and experienced the things i was interested in and wanted in life, and have decided that since i dont believe in a heaven or afterlife, the reason we live is to keep from combining with oxygen, and try to enjoy it.

ya gotta relax, and realize that no matter what people tell you, to remember that 2 coplaner lines perpendicular to the same coplaner line are parallel to each other, or how to identify parts of speech and different types of sentences and clauses. just filter out the unnececary in school

Why do we even bother with life?

Life is what we know, it is what we see, and there for it is what we do. You may see school as wasting your time. but without it you could be on the street asking for change. nobody wants that. You said that you want to read you bible. so read it. the bible is a part of your life. and that is a way to keep on living. The ones of us who are religious live ous live to get into heaven. those who are not religious, live life becuase they would rather not be dead. it may seem to simple but that is all there is to it. we bother with life to live. If you dont want to go to college then dont go. if you dont want to graduate high school then dont. its your life. but if you choose that path then dont expect anyone to be there feelling bad for you and giving you a helping hand.

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