American Idol is a reality show contest. That basically means that it is not real and what we see during the auditions is not how it appears.
They put through people on the show who basically have a "story" or some sort of gimmick; those make great television and draws in more viewers. You have Fantasia being single mother, Kelly Pickler's father in jail story, Taylor Hick's grey hair, Anthony Federov's hole in throat.. all get passed to go on.
During the show, the bad singers get weeded out and the judges pick the finalists to whom America votes. However, many good singers get weeded out to make room for the bad ones, so that the ones whom Idol wants to see win has some sort of "competition". Taylor Hicks definitely was not the one Idol wanted to win, I can guarantee that for a fact.
Which is why we should all vote for the worst, the underdogs, the ones who Idol basically wants us to laugh at and help make them get to the top. After all, they put them there.
Why American Idol Sucks and VFTW Rules !!?
Both of them blow, and I refuse to support either of them.
Why American Idol Sucks and VFTW Rules !!?
And what makes you an authority?
First of all you say AI is a reality show contest. Then you say it is NOT real. Which is it with you?
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