Saturday, November 28, 2009

Am I the world's biggest loser?

I'm 24.

I still live with my parents.

I have no job.

I have no car, and my insurance dropped me after a few accidents.

I have exactly $4.20 in my savings account.

I'm still a virgin.

I have never been kissed.

I have never even been out on a date.

I have no friends, and haven't had any in almost ten years.

I was picked on since I was a little kid, and still am today

I am ugly and overweight.

I have a small member (under 3 inches flaccid, under 5 inches erect).

I'm starting to grow grey hairs and have extremely thin hair for my age.

I not only have imaginary friends, but also live in an imaginary city where I am king.

I've been admitted into the psych ward of a hospital three times in the past five years.

I've been to counselors, group therapy, etc. and nothing has helped my situation.

I'm too much of a coward to commit suicide.

I'm not making any of this up.

So am I the world's biggest loser? Or is someone an even bigger loser than I?

Am I the world's biggest loser?

Dear "Not I Said the Fly"--

Let's take this one sentence at a time, OK?

24 years of age: Great age to take a good look at yourself and decide, "Am I happy", "No!" Great age to take a step out of the dungeon to be the man you know you were ment to be.

Still live with parents: Wow! God Bless you all! You must have a family that would do anything to see you get on your feet. I know people older than you happily living at home. It's not that "off the wall".

No Job? Well, head on down to Dessert Industries where you can be trained or head to any fast food business, or wash dishes at a restaurant, or do yard work. Then take one class a quarter at night and begin getting some education under your belt.

No car, no insurance: That's good for everyone until you begin taking responsibilty for your life and realize it is a privilege to drive.

$4.20 in Savings? Take it out of Savings, get on your knees and ask God to bless it before you give it to someone who needs it more than you. Then give it away. It will do wonders for your self esteem knowing you thought about someone besides yourself.

Virgin? Great! That is not an illness you know! You're not married, so of course you are a virgin! Say it with pride, not many can.

Never been kissed? Has your mother or father never kissed you? If not, tell them they owe you one. Every baby, child and young person needs to be hugged, patted on the head and kissed by a loving family.

Never been on a date? You're only 24 years old and time is still on your side.

No friends? 10 years? There is a great verse in the Bible that says: Proverbs 18:24

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. I would encourage you to be friendly.

Picked on? Many people have been picked on. It doesn't mean life is over...take a class on how to be assertive, then practice.

Ugly and Overweight? A clean face, with brushed teeth, hair trimmed that bears a smile is always beautiful even if it's chunky.

Small Member? Are your feet small too? Each will serve it's God-given purpose no matter the endowment.

Thinning grey hair? Some people have no hair and grey is a sign of becoming wise. Take note!

Imaginary friends? Imaginary world? King? KIng of What? Hmmmm, must be Self Pity. Turn your crown in and tell that world "Good-bye"! Tell your imaginary friends they've gotten you in a mess and you're walking out of their world! Say it aloud...say it daily...speak with confidence..."Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye".

Admitted to the Psych Ward 3 times in 5 years? It's a safe place to be when you need it. Be thankful for the assistance. Be thankful you had the resources, then move on.

Counselors and Group Therapy has not helped? Of course! These are only sign posts along our path that point us in the right direction. They cannot replace our choice to do the right thing to help ourselves.

Coward? Suicide? No, it is a coward that bails out without having accomplished the purpose of his life.

Now, my turn! You wrote an honest accesment of yourself. You were quite articulate and descriptive. The spelling was good and so was your sentence structure so you are not STUPID nor are you the world's biggest loser. You communicate well, you write well. Have you ever thought of being a writer?

I recently heard Andy Andrews speak. There was a point in his life when he was homeless and spent hours in the library reading, reading, reading. He read how millionaires made their money. His reading began to put "good thoughts", "hopeful" thoughts, "I can do it thoughts" into his psyche. Little by little he became the man he had dreamed of being. Thinking about how rotten we are or how ugly, bad and disgusting we are will make us sick. It's like eating spoiled food all day, every day. Pretty soon it spoils us! Stop it! Throw out every negative thought about yourself, start singing, start dancing, start, start, start. You will heal yourself with God's help.

Blessings to you, dear person, dear friend! I will be watching to see a new "you" with a new list of who you are and what you have become. You will bless the world!

Am I the world's biggest loser?

yes, u are the biggest loser in the history of the universe.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

You maybe a loser to society but you just are confining your self and hiding away. Go out there. Explore. Go find some friends. Go find a girl i imagine your to greatfult o get one to cheat and get on your feet. God didn't put you here to feel sorry for yourself . Be A MAN! unless your a chick.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

Put on some freakn cholthes, get out, get a job, and make REAL money, get a make-over, go to the mall, and get a boyfriend.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

You need to do two things, my friend:

1. List the POSITIVES.

2. Begin self improvement.

Do not label yourself. You're doomed to be a

self-fulfilling prophecy. Get out of the house

and begin to exercise and take care of yourself

as if you were a CHAMP and NOT a loser.

Much love and God's blessings to you. God loves you.


Am I the world's biggest loser?

Is there some kind of group you can join in your area??? You need to get out. Start waking and loose some weight, it will help your self esteem. Just about every kid is picked on in school, you are not the only one. Good Luck to you.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

Because I'm the worlds biggest winner i see that i have found my social and physical opposite..if you give me your email il send my address and you can work for me as a sideshow in my will give you a job at least

i will front you in the house and post you up next to me..your failures will make me look like even more of a winner..and i will give you tips for your pathetic-ness

Am I the world's biggest loser?

*tear* would you please stop! You are not a loser! maybe to some people, but the Lord loves you. If you believe in God, then no...your not a loser. Get a job, and start a life- its not like your a hundred years old.

Please stop feeling sorry for yourself, and love who you are.

God Bless you

I will pray


Am I the world's biggest loser?

You made every bit of that sh!t up, loser!

Am I the world's biggest loser?

This sounds just like my brother. Hey Butthole, is that you?

Am I the world's biggest loser?

mmm i'm sure there are worse - i can still be ur friend tho :D

Am I the world's biggest loser?

You need professional help, I hope someone comes to your aid and fast.

Just stay away from shrinks they are nothing more then moronic con artists who are only out to make a fast buck from kickbacks from the drug companies.

Their motto is f u c k the patient MAKE MONEY. Unfortunately, that ideology means they also break the Hippocratic oath which is against the rules of medicine for doctors to follow.

Good luck

Am I the world's biggest loser?

Your parents are losers for not molding you better from childhood to young adulthood.

The people who pick on you are losers for being shytheads.

Your imiginary friends are losers for leading you on.

The psych ward personel are losers for not rehabilitating you.

The counselors and group therapy members are losers for not helping you to be a more secure individual about yourself.

There's a lot of people ahead of you who were losers before you because they're older, trained to help people and haven't done a damn thing to help you. Blame them for part of your problems and that makes you onnly half the loser they are.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

Dude open ur eyes and see d world.How can u say dat you r a looser when u haven't done something yet? People loose when they try. You can eat with ur own hands,walk with ur legs,clean ur own ****,then there is a lot more u can do.You r not weaker then anyone.Every man has a true superhero inside him but the need is to find him,So, find yours..............inside yourself.BEST OF LUCK DUDE.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

Don't worry u can still turn this around! Believe in GOD and he will give you that oppurtunity! Get yourself a job excersize and go for it be couragous. My teacher stills lives with his Mom at like 23 but i think he has his own apartment but still so what! look what he did with his life! Abandon all ur loser things and work and go to college! Remember its not the size that matters its how u use it!

Am I the world's biggest loser?

lol we have a lot in common! i am 22, i live with my boyfriends parents, i have no job, i have a car w/o a title, ans although i do have $$$ in my savings, its only fron insurance cuz my dad passed in march ): i have no friends, i consider myself ugly, too and im 5'5 weighing 202 .. so hell im overweight too. So, no you are not the worlds biggest loser, or if you are, im the female equivelent to you! there is hope. i have a attractive wonderful good hearted and faithful boyfriend, and a 4 month old daughter i still dont know how i got so lucky.. but just hang in there, i watch tv and it seems everyone is absolutely perfect looking. its the media. chill out not everyone is perfect. youll find some happiness hang in there..... nanny

Am I the world's biggest loser?

come on..u r better than this..God made u for a reason..juz don't hide yourself and whine abt your fate..firstly, go out and find a job..u'll have money, new friends, lose weight while u r at it and who knows, get a partner!..

Am I the world's biggest loser?

No you are not the biggest loser! You are in what some people like to call the wilderness. The wilderness is a terrible place that people face when they are about to make a great change in their life. You are not what you THINK you are, but what you are actively THINKING you are. Your self pity is what detracts people from you. Do not expect a lot of sympathy from the world for your condition, but rather seek a purpose for your self that will excite you into becoming very busy and you will not even think about these concerns. If you try to dothings for people to make you feel better do not expect gratitude either, but rather do it simply to feel the joy of giving. People never get what they want in life until they learn first to appreciate what they already have received. Thoughts lead to action and you will feel a certain way after you do something. So if you lack happiness try to act happy for a day and your feelings will start to shift to happiness and thus begin change your waking thoughts to positive every day and start to truly feel better about yourself and your life.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

First off, you're not the biggest loser in the world, and in fact, there are bigger losers than you, but you definitely still need to do something about your situation, and I'm glad you realizize that. First off, I hope that you sincerely aren't making any of this up before I try to give you some advice. Let's take this from the beginning. You're twenty-four years old living with your parents. Well, your parents may want you out of the house, and even if they don't and enjoy you being in the house, you should start making an effort to try to get out of their house and on you own feet. Show them that you care about them and would like to make that move to show that you've appreciated them. But before you move out of the house, you have to start back further than that. You mentioned in your question that you were overweight. If you are up to it, and I do believe that you are, start little by little changing your eating habits. For example, I don't eat after eight o'clock because that's when you can gain the most weight. Try to take that extra step, if you feel yourself reaching for ice cream, reach for something else sweet and cold, like yogurt. You can also exercise or hitch a ride to the gym. That should help if you can do it. Once you start losing a little weight, maybe you could look for a job and start work so you can get a paycheck. Maybe that can help your low savings account. *wink* When you get a little money, see if you can get insurance before your car because if you die, you wouldn't want your parents to have all of those bills that could put them in debt. Moving on, There's nothing wrong with being a virgin and 24 years old. So you've never been kissed, well, look on the bright side: once you start your diet and exercise, you'll become more attractive to somebody someday. Just try to be patient and socialize with people. Maybe internet dating would help. You also said that you haven't had any friends in almost ten years. Maybe you could try to reunite with those old buddies and see if you could reignite that friendship flame. If not, try making new friends. And most importantly, please, don't call yourself ugly, but have faith in yourself. I may not be the prettiest person in the world, but in my mind I am a very beautiful person, whether people think that about me or not. I guess I'm quite optimistic. You also mentioned that you have imaginary friends. So what? If that's what floats your boat, I say go for it! If having them around and being king for a while makes you happy, why get rid of them? And I don't think it makes you look crazy at all. Well, I don't want to give you all of this advice and i have no idea who you are. It seems like I'm trying to be your mom, but please remember that I was only trying to help! Good luck picking your hopes up! I hope you find happiness.

Am I the world's biggest loser?

yes you are actually i dont thimk there is anyone worser than you so you are a hopeless case

Am I the world's biggest loser?

You are not a loser ! You just need to change some things in your life to make yourself feel more confident : Try loosing a couple of lbs to make you feel better about your appearance. Its good that you are still a virgin ! There are way too many sluts ( boys or girls) in this world. Try finding a job . Any job will be fine. even mc donalds . After you start making some money you can save it so you can move out and be more independent . Your penis pro bally just looks small because of the chubbiness around it after you loose some weight it will be bigger. I do not have any friends ! I got rid of all of them like 5 years ago ! I would rather be alone than be surrounded by a bunch of stupid jerks ! You are probably not ugly and just feel that way ! Some people get grey hair when they turn 13 ! You can just dye it a natural looking color . Try taking some college courses on your computer ! That would be great ! Also , you sound very creative , why not try writing a novel ? That would be great ! Good luck with everything ! Let me know if anything has changed okay ? Just ignore everyone Else they are all stupid !

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