i have long hair %26amp; ill never part with it, but i do have to color the greys, ha, But its part of me %26amp; i love long hair, whats your feelings?
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I really like having long hair but i also love variety i get it cut short and then let it grow long i wouldn't be able to stand having one or the other for a long period of time
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I'm 54 and wear my hair long, its not about what other people think , its what you think and feel. I've been silver since age 18 and wouldn't color it for the world. Most colors contain chemicals that hurt more than help
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
not to many older people have long hair not sure y.but im 28 have hair to middle of back hope it dosent go out of style and if it does i hope i realize it.im always temted to cut it cause i have had really short hair b4 and liked it but everyone is always sayin how pretty it is so 4 now it stays
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Long hair will always look cute. I have long hair too and think it's a better look for me. I guess it all depends on the person because although I like short bobs, it just doesn't fit me.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Long hair isn't in style or out of style. People will always have long hair. If you like it, keep it. It is your hair.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
for women , yes. Made me remember the old sci-fi shows where everyone was bald.Then fashion had the 'uni-sex' thing ! eveyone again was bald.Glad it never caught on !
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Look around.I see lots of older people with long hair.It's your choice.Don't let others influence you.Do what makes you happy!
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I think long hair on ladies, adds to their sensuality...and I have no problem with color....A females long hair is just beautiful...Long hair on a man,....well some look presentable, and some look a little shabby, but it is an individual right to look however one wants, and I will not pass a harsh opinion....But I do like long, flowing hair on a female....
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I have had long hair for some years now. I won't have it cut off as there are so many ways of wearing it.My hair is very dark and has no grey. I will never go for the short permed look.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I don't think long hair will ever go out of style. As long as it remains clean, it remains beautiful, no matter what age. I wish I had never cut mine.
Yes, it will remain forever.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
i think long hair looks best on everyone,weather you are male or female i just love long hair.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I'm sure it will always remain another one also that will remain is the page-boy.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I to love long hair, but wouldn't colour it I'd let it go natural, as it would be too much hassle trying to get the dye through all the length.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
It will remain popular forever. And for all ages.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
you will always have long hair == nothing else folks will not be able to get it cut every four weeks!!
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I love long hair and I'm sure it will always be in style and for all ages, but it should be well taken care of so it doesn't look
straggly and unkempt.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
not for everyone.........I have shoulder length hair..........
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Long hair will always be in for both males %26amp; females, despite the current styles that come %26amp; go. History repeats itself even where fashions %26amp; hair are concerned but long hair for some will be one's choice.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I have never concerned myself with fads or styles. When it comes to those things, it is my life, my brain, my body. If other people want to be dictated to by society, that's their choice. However, I do love long hair on women. The longer the better. Having had very long hair myself though(down to my waist), I understand the hassles in taking care of long hair so understand preferring shorter hair. The bottom line is, I think people should be free thinkers and do in the style thing what suits them.
It is the manufacturers who change the styles just so everyone has to buy new wardrobes. Along with the new styles come the new hair dues and makeup. All it's for is to fill the rich man's pockets. Be yourself!
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
that lady on titanic had nice hair :)
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Sooner or later age will get it (even if it's just a little at a time)
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Yes. I have hair which is hard for me to grow long the older I get, but ity's getting there. There's a lot you can do with long hair. On the other hand, I think a woman has to be extremely attractive to look good with really short hair %26amp; not look like a lesbian (unless that's the look you're going for).
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Some people will always like long hair... (mine's almost to my waist) sometimes I want to cut mine but Hubby won't let me!!
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I love having my hair long. For me it is just easier to deal with, I can curl it, blow it straight or put it in a pony tail or a bun, lots of things. I have my hair trimmed 2 times a year, to keep the ends even and cut off the split ends. Last year I did the "radical thing" and cut 14off the bottom to give to locks of love. Actually my hair was getting caught in the waist band of my slacks, it was still long though
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I'm with you all the way.
I have Celtic dreads down to my toucas and one would have to knock me out to cut them off.
I know I'm a silly old sod, but I've liked long hair since the British Invasion of 1964 and those cats had short hair by today's standards! haha
And since I still HAVE hair, why not!
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Heck, I've gotten more now than I ever had. That's a fact. The barber spends more time on my neck/shoulders, ears, nose and eyebrows than he ever does on my head. And yes, those hairs are pretty long.
Then I add to it by having a beard but my wife doesn't allow that to get long.
Now if you are referring just to the head hair, well I've got about 92 percent of what I started with but the dang stuff changed color.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
My hair is longer than it has ever been, although I wear it pulled back most of the time. It has a little bit of gray, but not much -good genes from my dad's family. I really like my hair now; it keeps me warm on these cold, cold days.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
So long as people continue to love the very feminine women, yes. :) Though, you don't have to be feminine to wear long hair, it is something associated with being feminine.. a lot of men look at women with short hair and think they're boyish and they are not attracted to that... not all men, mind you just some. :)
I love my hair, it's long, but at the same time I hate it, because it's not as easy to wash, comb, or style as short hair and it takes a lot of time, when I really just want to shower and go... having long hair gets me a lot of attention though so I prefer to wear it up in a bun in the back so that I blend in with others and so that I am not so noticeable. Most of the time I prefer not to stand out in a crowd.
But I do think it will always be looked at in awe and remain forever popular.
Do You think long hair will always Remain forever?
I am growing my hair long only to please my husband - I really think I look better with it short. But I heartily object to those who say older women should wear their hair short. I will never give in to the fashion advice - or demands - of anyone. Wear what you want. I feel the same when they say if you're over forty or fifty, no more short skirts. Hey! All I have left are good looking legs! I'll wear my minis as long as I like.
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