Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do you..........?

Do you hate your job? I really hate mine. I am work right now and I have to deal with people ALL DAY LONG. People are too needy. I hate my job, Im 22 and I have grey hairs.

Do you..........?

Hi *Veronica*,

"Hate", is a strong word, if you "dislike" your job, then it is time to find something, that you really like to do, in life...

Maybe, you will find not "instantly" the :"right job"..But, you are young, and I am sure that you will find a way, to be satisfied.. In your working situation! :)


As for me : I could not be more happy in my job..

I work in the "Medical Field", and it is very rewarding, the love you can give your patients, is very unconditional .. A simple "smile" from them, makes my day :) ... I love helping people, otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen, that profession, in the first place...


Even now, I am disabled, for at least 2 months, and I am missing them.. My co workers are telling me, they miss me, and are asking after me, on daily bases... That kind of hurts me, that I cannot be around for them, now.. :s


You have to decide, what you want to do, what your capacity's are..

Write everything down..the pro/contra... And work, from is very important that you find a job that will satisfy, you..


After all, you have to spend a great deal of your work, it might at least be enjoyable, for you... :)

That is how I see it.....


Thanks, for the question! :D

I wish you luck, with whatever you decide, to do, *Veronica*!! :)

Take care, of yourself!

Do you..........?

Thank you, *Veronica* :)

You see, your 1 step in the right direction already :)

Keep it up, and you will be on your way... :-)

My regards! .. x

*Have a nice weekend!* Report It

Do you..........?

I love my job!

I teach scuba diving on a tropical island in Thailand.

I deal with people every day. I deal with fish every day.

The beach and the underwater realm are my office.


Do you..........?

if getting up and going in to work is that difficult and you cannot be happy in your occupation, find one that you can be happy in...find something you can be passionate about and proceed to do that. you may not want to quit the day job just yet...but it is time to start shopping around.

Do you..........?

No, I just hate my life.

Do you..........?

capt. is right! I must add that just simply being in the process of looking for another job will get you in a better fram of mind. You will feel so much better that this is not IT for you. DO not settle if you are not happy. GOOD LUCK!!

Do you..........?

Doesn't working with people enhance your faith in humanity ? SARCASM.

Me, me, me, want want want, give give give. It's like being a rabbit in a tigers den !

Do you..........?

Well a change of job may or may not help you if it's people in general you have a problem with.

If you dislike people, then you should find a job where you don't have to deal with people, where you work on your own.

You have to figure out what it is that you're displeased with.

It could be you are in the wrong environment and totally unmotivated, and a change of people and duties and responsibilities will make a difference. I don't know what you do so I can't really say.

Most desk jobs will become a bore sooner or later, and its the people that make it worthwhile. If they don't, then definitely find a better group of people to work with.

Do you..........?

I hate my job, i am at work right now. I have to mak econversation and i like only internal dialogue. i almost broke down today and cried, i had to call my boyfriend and ask him to tell me joke. I hate it, but i cant do any better right now. I dont have a permit to work in this country.

Do you..........?

No one should live a life or parts of their lives hating it... at worst, they should be able to accept the discomfort for a cause they believe in.

So what's stopping you from moving on? The money? A good image? Responsibilities? If these things are keeping you unhappy then decide whehter you want to keep it so, in which case you should take comfort that what you're doing is for a 'higher', 'better' purpose...

If not, move on woman! You're 22 %26amp; still breathing... the cup is obviously HALF FULL!!!!

Do you..........?

No I don't hate my job, actually you complaining made me more thankful for my job. I'm a nurse and as much as sometimes I b.... about my job, it gives me a way to take care of those needy folks. It gives me a way to put my troubles into perspective. When I actually take my attention off myself I find that I'm thankful for my life and all those around me.

Do you..........?

No I don't hate mine, I like it.

There is old saying, "Your work is your God!".

If you don't like your job just because of the people there, then there are two thing you can do.

One: Change your job look for one that does not need you to interact with lots of people.

Two: You have to learn to adjust with people, and start to like them even if you don't.

How do u do it?

Always tell your self you like your job, with a smile. many time in the morning when you get up. Think Its going to be great having needy people. Tell your self its going to be a great day ahead. I know its way too difficult. Trust me it will pay off. Its difficult to start off... but in a week or two's time you will see a big change in the way you look at your job. You have to stay in +ive frame of mind and don't let you self down at all times...

don't worry you will be better soon, with a new job or a new look to your current job... cheers

good luck!

Do you..........?

No, I love my job. everyday I leave home with a sense of excitement!!!!

Do you..........?

You must be in healthcare...


Do you..........?

I love my job, but it has its days.

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