Friday, November 27, 2009

White hairs?

ok let me make this sweet and simple i am getting grey hairs and im not sure why. im not sure im ready for grey hairs and i already have alot.........and if you're going to say its ok if you get white hairs with age, im 15 years old. what is wrong with me? I dont get very mad so that cant be it. My hairs arent a problem at school its more mental .....

White hairs?

thyroid disease most likely. get blood tests done: free and total T3 and T4, TSH, calcium, parathyroid gland levels, as well as Reverse T3 (which indicates how much T3 your body can use out of what is floating in the blood stream for use)

White hairs?

Being mad or stressed doesn't cause gray hair. Where do people get this BAD information? It's not true at all.

At your age---it's hereditary. That means someone in your family (grandparent, aunt, uncle) started getting gray hair at an early age---and now you are. My niece started getting gray hair in high school. Her grandmother and other aunt both had gray hair when they were young. Look at it this way----gray hair is HAIR. At least you aren't going bald.

White hairs?

stress is one of the top reasons for getting grey hairs. just take a rest from everything and relax.

White hairs?

YOur boddy has probably started to create less of the pigment that gives us hair color....they say its due to stress, or old age. If you're 15, of course it's because of stress. I have some gray hairs on my head, it's no big deal.

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