Saturday, November 28, 2009

How can you tell what breed kittens you have.?

The kittens were found and they are very small and have beautiful soft solid dark grey hair . they have dark blue eyes. I have no ideal how old they are . Their hair apears to be short.

How can you tell what breed kittens you have.? that will give you errthin you need!!! :)

How can you tell what breed kittens you have.?

Hmm... sounds like a tonkinese... or it could be a russian blue... Its hard to tell w/out a pic!

How can you tell what breed kittens you have.?

if you just found them then they are probably a mix

How can you tell what breed kittens you have.?

put a pic up and we could tell maybe u have a russian blue it sounds like it if it is that small post a pic soo we can c

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