I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!
I'm thirteen and I moved to Rhode Island a couple of years ago and my life turned into a nightmare. Everyone was wrong. I had weight problems but got rid of the extra poundage later on. But I still have almost no friends, no social life, no money, have skin problems, grey hairs, and a hefty amount of stress that I shouldn't have on my back. My parents have been an arranged marriage and have never liked each other so it's complete torture living with them. We are a fake, pathetic, family. I'm not allowed to spend or enjoy life because my dad claims "We have no money." We've never had enough money since I was born. I have to buy clothes and anything else I want besides food with my own money.
I hate the community where I live too. Everyone's rich and wastes money on completly useless things and jeer at me for having no money. Not to mention all of them fake, pathetic, gossips and backstabs their friends without a second of hesitation. The school is crap. Guidance counsler is also utter crap.
My house is an old old house that's extremly filthy and messy where almost everything is broken and is in need of fixing. My dad hasn't bothered to change the carpet in our basement even though it needs to be changed ever since our sewerage backed up in the basement and so our whole house smells like sewer because of the carpets.
I can't take anymore. I've have enough. I need to get away from home. Then I can truely be healthy again and happy. Living here with my parents is draining the life out of me. Does anyone have ideas that doesn't cost much or at least no money? Please don't mention "Run away". That's a terrible idea. I've applied to a private school neary by for a full scholarship but I probably won't get a full scholarship and will not be able to go. But even that's not far enough anymore. I'm thinking of studying abroad for my entire high school years but I'm not even sure that's possible. But I also need a full scholarship. Please don't tell me to go see a family counsler or go see a psychiatrist, because I dislike psychiartrists and my parents will refuse to see a marriage counsler/family counsler. I've begged my mom constantly to get a divorce but I know she wouldn't and never will because of the "traditional" Indian values and also because she believes divorce always messed up kids and she believes in "helping another human being in need."
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
If you are living with you're parents then you need to get away from that and make a life of you're own. And you will when you are able and have completed school and decided to make something of yourself.
Right now you are under age. You are the responsibility of you're parents until you reach 18.
Instead of hating everything around you work with it and make it better for you. In all the bad there is good, you just have to want to see it.
See it. Make goals for yourself. Make those High School years better by putting all you're effort into making them work for you. These are important years and years that will help to mold the person you want to be.
Think about what you want to be and make goals. Look beyond the bad and see good. It is up to you.
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
All I can think of is a social worker, teacher, police department, or maybe child protective services. Maybe even a clergy person. It doesn't sound like a healthy place to be.
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
Make an anonymous call to the Health Department about the conditions in your house. That should get the ball rolling. At least they will get your father to fix up the house.
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
i can see helping someone but if the house is as bad as u say,then all u need to get out of there,i feel for you but 13 you have to stay,or is there any faimly somewhere else u can go,uncles,aunts,grandparents! try to go with relatives!
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
i think you should learn sth from steve jobs
stronger and happier
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
Truly your story is very sad. You could try boarding school, but I am not sure if they do scholarships. Try other family members. Or wait it out until you are able to have a job, and just start saving. And then get emancipated, which you have to show that you can live, work, and basically act like an adult. On your own. Really I wish i could help out more, but just stay strong through it all, the worst or a last resort is to be asked to be put up for adoption. I wish I could help, but I am afriad this is all I could do is give you advice.
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
Call the social services dept. They shall handle the rest.
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
youre 13. you cant really do that much. since you live at home, they kinda own you. try, and i mean TRY, to appreciate what little you have. it might be a crappy one, but its shelter. and im pretty sure they still clothe and feed you, even tho theyre not as fancy as rich people things around you. a lot of people have crappier lives, no homes, hungry, etc.
how bout relatives? the big brother/big sister program? getting adopted by another family? rich neighbors that might take you in? im sure not EVERY single one of the people around you are as bad as you say they are. if you insist on not seeing a counselor or pysch, call the cops or social services. if the government turns you down, then i dont know what to say except life just hates you..
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
You have a whole litany of problems. No one your age should have to cope with them. Do you have grandparents or other relatives you can trust to help you? If not, I would seek help from a Church. I know the Catholic Church or School is well known for helping young people in your type of situation.
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
1. You could try to report yourself to CPS for "unsanitary living conditions" and a social worker will visit the house. If you are indeed in filthy conditions, and the sewer carpets sound like a bio hazard or something, perhaps they will remove you from the home and put you in foster care. If they don't, your paents will be pretty mad for a while.
2. Ask to go live with a relative, if you have aunts and uncles or grandparents. Insist it is because that relative lives near an excellent school you want to attend or something like that. Being diplomatic and charming is the KEY to get them to agree to this.
3. Your idea for a scholarship for a boarding school was excellent. There is a scholarship program called "A Better Chance". check the website.
4. Check into a foreign exchange studies program
5. Get an after school job babysitting, doing volunteer work, or joing a boys and girls club, or take on after school activities that will minimize the hours you have to spend at home. This will decrease your stress by getting you away from there more, and help you make some friends.
Call the boys and girls town national hotline. They might have some other ideas.
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
girl i know what you are going through. i switched cities in California. i gained some weight never lost it. i have an urge to itch my elbows. i don't got much friends and the ones i have i'm gonna lose them by going to a different high school. i want to go back to my old house and my old friends. i once wondered what would happen if i died, would anyone notice. did you think about getting a job. with the friends you have go to the beach, go swimming together have a waterballoon fight or something thats not pricey. by the way did you notice popular people are jerks and like to pick on others. i hope this helps
I can't take this anymore! I need to get away from where I live. Please help!?
You seem like a very mature 13 year old! I do believe that no matter what is going on in your life now that you will succeed when you are older. You know not every wealthy man had it easy as a child or had everything they wanted either. Several ver famous, intelligent people had very rough childhoods. I am sorry to hear that you are so upset and feel so poorly about your homelife. I do think your future will be bright and you should truly keep the private school in mind. I wish you lots of luck and the very best. You have talent!!
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