Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hair color question?

I have very pale skin with pink undertones and grey-blue eyes. I don't want to look pasty, but I like the porcelain-ness of my skin and my eye color can be very piercing in the right light. I want to emphasize these qualities. What color should I dye my hair? Be specific please (i.e. not just "brown").

Hair color question?

Actually, believe it or not, pale skin looks good with a lot of different colours! Just don't go to extremes (example- white blonde or pure black). You could easily look washed out with those specific hair colours. I think this colour would look really nice on you from your description provided:

If you like it, take the picture to your stylist and she or he should be able to get colours some-what indentical. It looks like a mixture of light brown with soft honey blonde and thin caramel highlights. Then, the underlayer is a dark chocolate brown. This is just my opinion on what would look good but I hope I've helped. :)

Hair color question?

okay.. So I have the same features as you, except my eyes are more of a bright blue than a grey-blue. Anyways!

I am extremely pale, and died my hair a dark chesnut brown with hints of auburn before. And it looked very nice. Made my eyes pop out alot with brown and blue contrast one another, and it made my skin look alot more doll-porcelain like.

Another option is going light blonde, which is what im going to do sometime soon. blonde always looks good with pale skin. Since you have pink under tones i would recommend a platnium blonde, rather than a bleach blonde with golden highlights. You could also play iwth hte color a bit and add streaks of a dark red, too, or a shade of brown that you liked. Any would go well.

I hope this helped. =]

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