Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gorby the russian dwarf hair loss?

Gorby the russian dwarf has hair loss issues under his right eye. it starts just behind the eye to the bottom of his chin and goes forward twards his nose but stops at his whiskers. it looks really bad, but his fur color makes it look worse than it is, black at the bottom, grey at the tip. causing him to have this black half circle on his eye. other than that, he is completly fine, eating and drinking normally, lots of energy, everything is fine except this little patch that keeps getting bigger. it doesnt go to the top of his face, you cant see it really if he is looking at you face to face, but when he turns his head you see this missing patch of fur. gorby is old, over 2 years. he had some kind of eye infection or something that caused a white discharge from his eye, i wiped it out daily, and its all gone now, but the fur keeps disappearing. i notice when he scratches somewhare, that it will stay black for a long time, but it always returns to normal. should i be worried?

Gorby the russian dwarf hair loss?

My hamster had the same hair loss, it was eye infection too. Took you your hamster to a vet?

Belly can be wet because of scent marking - Russian campbell dwarfs have scent gland on their belly; or because of urine - if the hamster peed somewhere and sits on it.

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